my own edition as a Korean Food Consultant not catalogue.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Black Garlic Bamboo Salt tablet (Main application)
How to eat : My recommendation is 5~7
tablets two times per day. Morning and
evening. Not 30min later but together
with meal.
applications which I strongly recommend>
* Chronic gastritis and stomach ulcer : can
get well mostly within 2~3 weeks.
(When those patients have a sudden pain,
usually 5~15 minutes later are enough time for pain free after 5~7 tablets
* Gout : Helpful or improved within
3~12months. (need dietary control together). 1~2 months are enough time if not serious
gout patients. Check uric acid value by
blood checking in hospital after two months intake.)
* Arthritis : can be improved
or get well in 1.5 ~ 3 months if not so serious. 5~6months in
case of serious arthritis patient. (inflammatory
arthritis only not for degenerative arthritis)
* Constipation : Some get better some don¡¯t.
* Diabetes (type II only) : Helpful or
irmproved if together with dietary control.
* Cancer metastasis : In case of Korea,
80~90% of cunsumers are cancer patients after operation and/or chemo-theraphy
to keep from 2nd cancer(metastasis).
* Necrosis : 7 tablets intake 3 or 4 times
per day. Need to see whether the
necrosis area get decreased or not during intake.
* I would recommend this table to normal
person, too. It¡¯s to keep him or her
health and for daily detox. and supplements.
effect or healing crisis>
* Person who has lots of chemicals(chemical
base food additives or pharmaceuticals) may feel uncomfortable (stomach or skin
or feeling) at the beginning period of intake.
* Weak kidney person may experience swollen
legs in the morning.
=> Need to try 1 tablet first and
increase step by step. If the healing
crisis is serious, stop intake and try 1 tablet some time later. And, try to increase the qty step by step. Or, stop and intake repeatedly considering
patient¡¯s condition step by step.
////////////////////////////////////////// (Edited
by SeongHae Kim <Food Consultant> 2018.08.24.)